Taking clear notes is not only beneficial to your studies, but it is also essential! So much information is communicated in any lecture or reading. You’ll want to retain what you can during class and set yourself up for studying success later. Are you confident in your note-taking skills? Or do you need to learn how to take better notes? To boost your GPA, you need to do well on assignments and exams. Proper note-taking helps you pay attention and absorb information during class. It also highlights key material, so you’ll know what to study when it comes time to be tested on the information.
With a lot of focus on how good it is to take notes, is there a method on how to take proper notes? The answer is yes!
Identify Each Page: Simply putting the date or the professor’s name at the top of the paper can help you tremendously. Doing so allows you to group the material to an identifying marker in your mind. It also helps organize your notes for future reference. If you’re taking notes from a reading, you can use the book or article title instead of the date or professor’s name.
Keep It to Facts: When listening to a lecture, you will notice that a lot of information is being poured out at once. You are not expected to retain every single thing, but you’ll want to remember the most important parts. Limiting notes to key facts of the lecture (or PowerPoint, etc.) will help you when studying for quizzes and tests. Get the main points down in your notes, and you’ll know what to refer to when studying.
Stay Organized: If notes are not organized, it may be harder to understand them later, if not impossible. It’s helpful to organize notes in a way you will be able to easily refer to them when studying. Ways to stay organized are to put notes for each class in separate dividers (or binders); color code each section, or use an app like Lightmap to make organizing easy!
Keep Track of Questions: It’s always helpful to create a dedicated note space for any questions you may have about the material. Instead of focusing on trying to remember each question and the current lesson, you’ll have an easy referral once you are able to speak with the professor. You can also keep track of direct quotes and/or personal thoughts throughout the lesson in extra space.
Take Five: One of the final note-taking tips for college is to take some time between classes to capture any last thoughts, process what has been said, and make final notes of questions or quotes. It is easy to rush off when the bell rings. Students want to chat with friends or grab a refreshment before their next class. Sometimes, you must rush to the other side of campus. During the moments when rushing is not required, create the space to process. It will help in the long run!
Other tips that can assist you in the learning process include joining a study group and participating in class. A study group can provide the opportunity for you to compare notes with other students. You are then able to correct any errors you may have made and learn from each other. Participating in class can aid you in keeping focused. Not only are you taking informed notes, but you are audibly repeating what you are learning, a tool used to retain information.
At Lightmap, we hope that this helped you learn how to take notes better! We are passionate about each student’s success. Check out our app today for all your note-taking needs!